RapMap – Rob Patro’s Reimplements Kallisto’s Pseudoalignment Code
If software license is the only thing that stops you from using wonderful Kallisto algorithm/program, maybe this github code can help. As another advantage, it comes with GPL license (could be BSD if...
View ArticleAccurate, fast, and model-aware transcript expression quantification with Salmon
We wrote about Sailfish, Kallisto and Salmon extensively in the past. Readers will be happy to read Rob Patro et al.’s latest biorxiv paper discussing the arrival of Salmon- Existing methods for...
View ArticleThe March of Pseudoalignment – Two Papers
“Pseudoalignment” means aligning the reads on a reference based on minimal sampling of k-mers from the reads. This, coupled with de Bruijn graph representation of the reference, has become a powerful...
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